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Let DejaNET design your web site for less!  Email or call us for a custom site design quote.  Our prices are far less than many others in our area!  If necessary, we can also arrange a meeting at your place of business to discuss costs, your goals and needs as well as your possible solutions.

Most of our basic designs only run $75 - $300 plus monthly hosting fees (if you host your site with us - this is a generalization only - please contact us for an exact quote). 

Shopping carts run slightly higher depending on the item count and features desired as well as the number of items, pictures, descriptions, etc.  We can help in obtaining Credit Card Processing (Merchant Accounts), Toll Free numbers, as well as help in shipping parcels and processing orders if required. 

Each site is custom quoted a design fee based upon the complexity of the layout.  We look at the entire layout and do not just concentrate on the number of pages and number of images like other companies do.

Our current labor rate is currently $75.00 per hour for standard HTML website design.  Cold Fusion, Java, Flash, and other languages may incur additional fees. 

If you have compared web design rates with other companies, you will see that our rates are much lower, and our site marketing surpasses many other designers in our field or in our area.  A search on any search engine will produce any of our hosted sites on any search engine within the top results.  Many other companies can offer design services, but they simply cannot match our other marketing skills which are included with our design and hosting plans - others charge extra fees or do not offer marketing at all. If no one visits your great site, what useful purpose does it really serve?  Many other companies will simply slap together a site and call it done.  We go beyond that, helping you to market your site as well as submit it and make it search engine friendly.  Customer traffic is what you need to make a web site work - we can provide that.  Customer satisfaction brings them back - we can help you to provide that.  The customer must be satisifed with the web site as well as the services offered on that web site, otherwise you are only succeeding in putting yourself out of business very quickly.  Compare web designers, compare features, compare prices and compare results - then feel free to contact us!

We can also enhance or modify an existing site and or move it your our high speed redundant servers.  We can show you what your current site is lacking, what visitors you are missing, and how you can better market your current web site so that visitors can find you!  Does your current web site offer accessability to all users?  Is your web site Netscape, IE, Opera and WebTV friendly?  Are you losing sales due to the fact that certain visitors cannot view your site at all?  Is your web site easily browsed by the blind?  Do you know where your visitors are coming from and why they show up?  Do you know the time of day and the day of week that is most popular for your visitors?  We know, and so do all of our current web hosting customers...feel free to contact us!

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Newaygo Directory
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Click for Muskegon, Michigan Forecast
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Last Modified: 07/20/2001